Monday, January 26, 2015

Dating advice and weed

So this last week was pretty interesting. We were teaching Andie and we were teaching about prophets and it was really good. Then we were talking about helping her quit smoking and somehow marijuana came up. She said that weed has a lot of health benefits and practically no bad benefits. She told us that no matter what she would not give up her weed. We didn't really address that because the church hasn't made an official statement on pot but we know that she's going to have to give it up if she wants to be baptized.

We taught Steve twice this week. The first was on Tuesday and we went with Bro. Shouse. Bro. Shouse is the coolest guy ever. He's like a cowboy and he's the 2nd  counselor in the branch presidency. We were telling him about Steve and how Steve likes his Playboys. Then when we were walking up to Steve's house Bro. Shouse was like "I'm going to ask him to borrow one of his Playboys" It was really funny. He's an awesome guy. Then, right as we are about to start teaching the lesson, basically right after the opening prayer, Steve turned on the state of the union. So we ended up watching the state of the union and then decided to leave because we knew nothing was going to happen. Then on Saturday we tried again. We even brought Bro. Shouse again. We tried teaching part of the Plan of Salvation but Steve is just wouldn't get it. No matter how many different ways we tried to explain it, no matter how much we watered it down, no matter what, Steve would not get it. Every time we would try to teach a principle such as Priesthood authority, he would just go off on the stupidest things. He kept saying stupid things like 'I would rather take the path of least resistance' and 'If there's an easier way then I would rather take that way' so even though we already knew this, we learned that Steve is the laziest person alive and he has some sort of a grudge against rich people. It really, really frustrated me. We dropped him that night. He still comes to church though. Although I think it's just to check out the Branch president's wife because we sat in the middle of the row with Sis. Sykes on the left and Steve on the right and Steve kept looking over to the left and it wasn't at me. Then he always goes and talks to her after Sacrament meeting. I think he thinks she's single because Pres. Sykes sits up on the stand. 

Yesterday, one of the Sykes kids was getting baptized after church. The font takes years to fill up and the hot water heater can't keep up with the water. So if you want a warm baptism then you would have to start it like 8 hours earlier. So we were going to start it right after Sacrament meeting because it should be fine for the baptism. But somebody was in the stall so we were waiting for them to get done and then the Branch mission leader said he'd do it for us because we were going to teach gospel principles so we let him do it. But he didn't know how long it takes and he kept shutting it off to wait for the hot water heater to fill back up with water so that there could be warm water and I tried to communicate to him that it wouldn't be ready in time if we did that but he didn't really get it. So as soon as church was over the we went to check it and it was only up to like my ankles. So we had an hour before people would start showing up and so we grabbed pots, mop buckets and trash cans and started filling them up to help fill up the font. We don't really know if that made a huge difference because we might have been stealing pressure from the font but we did it anyways and spilled a ton of water in the cleaning closet and they didn't even have real mops just those kinds that have those pads you put on the bottom. Like what they use to clean wrestling mats. So we had to throw all those on the floor to try to soak up the water. But it all worked out. 

We went over to John Mills house last night because he didn't show up to church, not that we were surprised or anything. Anyways he had forgotten the 4 steps we had given him to do everyday so we wrote them down on a sticky note and put it on his TV because that's all he does is watch TV all day and talk to his dog. Then we thought it would be funny if we wrote a ton of sticky notes and put them all over his house to remind him all the time. We put one on his door and he found it and took it off and got mad at us. Then we put one on his coffee table, on his fridge, on top of one of his Maxim magazines and then when we were leaving we put another one on his door. We also talked a lot with him and asked him for dating advice and we we asked him if he was a player and he said yeah. Then we were just talking about dating and stuff and I was telling him about some dates I'd been on and he was like "you need to up your playing game" and it was really funny because John Mills is like 40 and isn't married so I probably won't be taking any of his advice. 

Other than that nothing really happened this week other than we went to church and a member family brought one of their kids's friends to church and he and his brother were previously investigating but then they moved to Mcalister OK and then Elder Merryweather went to Mcalister so we called him up and told him and then he called our member family and asked them some questions and it turns out the kids moved back so then he came to church and he's going to start investigating again so that's nice but he live in Altamont so it'll be hard to teach him but teach him we will!

Peace out everyone! I love all of you!
Elder Naegle

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