Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Nothing interesting happened this week. We just worked hard and actually hit the standard of excellence in terms of lessons. That crazy guy who lives next door to us came to church. He wouldn't tell us how he felt about it, he kept saying he'd tell us later. We stopped by a less active old lady last Sunday and had a good little discussion about church and stuff. Then she came yesterday, so that was pretty good. She has a solid testimony, she's just old and tired and she doesn't pay her tithing and she's afraid she's going to get a calling if she comes to church, but I think she'll start coming more often and we're hoping to get some referrals out of her. We have a potential older, retired couple that was a referral from one of our members. They were talking about how the Bible was translated a whole bunch of times and they were basically saying that there have been many plain and precious truths taken out of the Bible, so we gave them a Book of Mormon, and then talked about it and bore testimony and then the husband wanted a copy for himself after he said they'd only need one. We are probably going to try to see them again this week. The Whiteheads haven't really made any progress. It's really just the mom, the kids don't really sit in anymore. I also don't think she's reading the Book of Mormon as diligently as she should be. The lady across the street from us wants to come to church and to get baptized but I'm fairly certain she doesn't understand the gravity and importance of making the baptismal covenant quite yet, and all the work that goes into it. Actually I don't think she understands much of anything. But she does feel the Spirit when she reads the Book of Mormon and when she talks to us. She never keeps appointments though. We had a really good lesson with the son of a less active member, the best part in the lesson was when we were teaching about the apostasy and he asked a really good question about like what are we supposed to do if the true church isn't here and whatnot, and it was better in real life but anyways we talked about some of the cool things in the Book of Mormon and I think it caught his interest a little more than before. Sadly he's probably the first smart investigator I've had on my whole mission. This is actually the first time in my whole mission that I actually feel like I'm doing missionary work which is very refreshing.
Elder Naegle

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