Monday, May 4, 2015

Dirty atheists and old houses I mean old atheists and dirty houses

So this week was a pretty interesting one. First of all, a couple of weeks ago we were on splits, and I was with a priest named Gabe and we were driving somewhere and we drove past a house that apparently Gabe and the Elder I replaced went to once. Long story short, Gabe said we should try by there again sometime. So we did. The guy that lives there is old, like 72, and hardcore atheist. He was super nice and respectful, but he really didn't believe in God. Elder Ewart tried to bear his testimony but the dude pretty much just cut him off. Then the guy tried to tell us that supposed miracles are only in people's imaginations. Yeah we're never going back there. We also had dinner at a family's house who are in our ward. Their house was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life. It's like those reality tv shows where people just have disgusting houses and the pros come in and teach them how to use a vacuum. Stuff was just everywhere. There was so much dirt and gunk on the carpet, food just sitting out on the table, banana peels and fruit on the floor. I have never been so uncomfortable in my entire life. Then one of their kids was so annoying. He kept wanting to play games with me and my companion and he was super touchy-feely and kept grabbing my leg and trying to sit in between me and my companion on a little bench. He kept grabbing my companion's tie and trying to whisper in his ear to play telephone. I really hope they never sign up for dinner again. Their excuse is they have 5 kids....

On a more cleaner note, the baptism went well. It was pretty stressful and we forgot some things like the baptismal record and my suitcoat, but it all turned out well. 

We found 3 new investigators this week. They all seem pretty solid. There's a lady named Honey (it's really awkward seeing her and saying 'hey Honey' esp in public) who we see everywhere: Taco Bell, Subway, Walmart, the gym. She's friends with a less active member and we finally asked her if she wanted to learn more. She's really nice and it should go really well teaching her. There's also this kid named Darien. He is either the adopted son of some members or in foster care, I don't actually know for sure. Anyways we know him pretty well and the other day we ran into him and Elder Ewart just asked him if he wanted to be baptized and he said yeah. So  we went right then and watched the Restoration video and he fell asleep. But we heard from some other kids that he brought his Book of Mormon to school and was apparently serious about reading it and taking the lessons. I don't think he has a long attention span so I don't know how it'll go teaching him especially because I think he likes my companion a lot more that me and my companion is getting transferred. By the way we had transfer calls and I'm staying here and Elder Ewart is going to Fort Scott Kansas. My new companion is going to be an Elder Chapman. I'm going to be the senior comp and nobody knows who he is so we all think that he just got done being trained so we'll see. Also the guy who invented blender bottle, his son is going to be transferred into my zone so that's cool. Anyways, the third new investigator who we picked up this week his name is Zach. He is the son of a recent convert and he comes to church all the time. He didn't really want to take the lessons before but the other day Elder Ewart asked him if he wanted to take the lessons and he said yeah so we taught him yesterday after church and it went really well. He believes Joseph Smith was a prophet and that he couldn't have just made it all up. We asked him if he wanted to be baptized but he said no but he said he'd pray about it. 

We got invited to a bible study by a guy, named Adam, who we know from the gym. So we went and it was really nice. Adam is like a preacher or training to be a preacher or something like that, and he is like the nicest guy you could ever meet. I feel like he's a good ol' southern boy with southern hospitality. He taught the lesson and it was actually doctrinaly sound and Adam seems to know his stuff. He really loves God and I think that if we could somehow teach him he would totally join. Elder Ewart gave him a Book of Mormon so you never know but I think because he's a preacher he wouldn't really want to take lessons.

So Elder Ewart told me that he had a son and it was really convincing and I totally believed it after a while but then he told me he was lying and I was really mad, but it was funny so I let him off the hook. Elder Ewart is a good guy and he wants to be a good missionary but a lot of the time it seems like he cares more about lifting and girls and listening to music that is not approved and having fun than he does about being a consecrated missionary and it has made this last transfer stressful for me. The one week he was super obedient and focused on the work was this last week and that was when we had the most success, but today he seems to have reverted to his old ways... sigh.  It was good to serve with him but I'm kinda glad that I'll be getting a new companion. Hopefully the pattern of my companions getting worse ends, because it's really frustrating.
Love Elder Naegle

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