Tuesday, May 12, 2015


So this last week was transfers. I got a new companion. His name is Elder Chapman. He has only been out 4 1/2 months, so I'm the senior companion which is weird because I don't feel like I know anything about missionary work.

This week has been super slow mostly just because Elder Ewart just wanted to go see a bunch of people before he left. I'm pretty sure all the girls in Ava cried when he left because every single girl had a crush on him. Transfers was fun. It's really nice to see a bunch of missionaries that you know and love for a couple of hours. Then it's really sad to see them all leave, and some of them to the land of endless preparation from whence there is no return. Our ride was cool with staying the whole time too so that was really nice. 

So Elder Chapman's a baller. We are being a lot more obedient than my mission has been for a long time. It's nice to have a companion for once that wants to obey the rules. On Friday we did a really good weekly planning and we set a bunch of goals that we want to achieve before the end of the transfer. We are gonna get Ava bumpin with missionary work. We're planning on visiting everybody in on the ward roster because there's a bunch of inactives in this ward. Also President Shumway is really pushing active member lessons and getting our wards and branches involved so that's what we're gonna be focused on. Elder Chapman also wants to work out so I get to keep working out this transfer, which is good because I have gained so much weight since I've come on my mission. I weigh 230 lbs! And it's all from members giving us food. We have so much cake in our fridge it's not even funny. A member who can bake really well gave us a bunch of this stuff called chocolate chocolate chocolate cake. It's chocolate chip cookies with brownies on top with oreos in the brownies. It's very delicious. I made the joke that she is trying to get us fat and somehow it got back to her and so I just blamed it on Elder Ewart because he's gone and he cares about his body a lot more than I do. 

So we taught Honie and it went pretty well. She kept arguing with me about prophets and how people are supposed to interpretate (yes that's how she says interpret) the scriptures and stuff for themselves. But I think we finally got her to understand what we were saying. We tried really hard to get her to come to church but then on Sunday she didn't show up. She also said that she just wanted to learn more about our church when I said something about how only The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has the fullness of the Gospel, so we'll keep working with her. 

Darien didn't show up to church which kinda bugs me because his parents (he's adopted) are members and should be helping out. It's gonna be interesting with him because I feel like because Elder Ewart and I showed that we aren't too serious about the church through our disobedience around him and so he doesn't think he has to be too serious about it either. So we'll see...

Zach is going good though. We taught him on Sunday with his mom and his step-dad who I just barely met because he's been out of town for so long. We taught him a good lesson about the Plan of Salvation. But because we had to leave to drive for like an hour to our dinner, we forgot to ask him about baptism and if he's been reading the Book of Mormon. I think that having Bucky (his step dad) home will be good for him though because Bucky is an awesome convert. 

That's about all that's going on. In other news I ran over a squirrel yesterday, zone training meeting is this Friday and we have interviews with President! Those are always the best. We have one more zone conference in June and then that will be the last I see of President and Sister Shumway :( We also figured out a way to break into the Family History center so that was fun. 
Love Elder Naegle

This is a picture of the squirrel that lived in our attic from when I was in Sprinfield

Izaiah and Elijah's baptism

Only in Missouri...

                            me and Elder Chapman picking up chicks... don't tell president

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