Monday, March 2, 2015

Moving Slowly

This week was super boring and nothing really happened. My companion and I have been moving super slowly and we probably haven't been that diligent in working. But we are committed to work hard and do better this week.
Nothing really happened this week. It snowed again and like 3 of the 5 wards that meet in our building cancelled church on Sunday and we only had sacrament meeting. It's funny because all the roads were plowed and all the ice was melted so I don't really know why they cancelled church. 
One cool thing that happened was that we got a call from the mission office and there was a guy who was in a really bad car accident and he broke his neck and he was going into surgery on Thursday. So his sister-in-law is a member in Arizona and she called the mission office and they called us and we went over and gave him a blessing. So maybe when he gets better he'll start taking the lessons. Speaking of hospitals there are two HUGE hospitals here like 20 minutes away from each other. I don't really remember ever seeing hospitals this big let alone 20 minutes away from each other, in Utah so that's a new experience for me. People here must just need a lot of help health-wise. 
We got some media referrals both wanting a bible. On one of them the name was Tinder Fagwarrior, so we're pretty sure that's a hoax or something. We went over once and nobody answered so we'll probably go over some other day and see what's up. The other guy was actually there and he was a total loser. Elder Woodbrey asked him what religion he was and he said Christian, which is dumb because I'm pretty sure Christianity is more of a belief than a religion. He didn't want to learn more about the Book of Mormon or anything and I'm pretty sure he was high when he requested a Bible because he kept thinking (out loud) that he put in his other address (he's living with his girlfriend). 
In other news: One night a bunch of firetrucks and ambulances came to right outside our apartment complex and when I went outside they were all gone and it smelled like something was burning. We saw a house on fire today on the way to lunch. Every time we go by Krispy Kreme and the light is on we stop and get a free doughnut. This morning I bought a box of a dozen and it was a bad idea. I also broke a shoe lace. 
Well this is probably the lamest email I've ever written but I hope you all have a good week, I will try to not slip on the (non-existent) ice that everybody in Springfield is afraid of. 
Love, Elder Naegle

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