So we had transfers this last week. It was actually on New Years day so for the New Year I got a new companion. His name is Elder Colley and he is a stud. He served with my previous companion so we talk (joke) about him a lot. He's like exactly a foot shorter than me. He actually served in Nevada so he has been on exchanges in Parsons before. So when he got the call to go to Parsons he wasn't too excited. Then he met me and he was even less excited. So it's been fun. Especially since I have no food because last month I spent all my money on a Star Wars shirt and on Christmas cards. So we made an emergency trip to Walmart to buy food because Elder Colley didn't have any food either. Since all my pens were running out of ink I decided to buy a ten pack of multi colored gel pens and a real fancy Sharpie pen. I'll get to your status someday Uncle Charlie. Then I bought lotion because I have really dry skin and then some body wash and then some hair gel and some honey and then I got cash back for the purpose of paying fast offerings. By the 3rd of the month I had already spent $90 of my $130 month allowance. I still don't have any food. :/
There is a lady in the branch who thinks I look like Edward off of Twilight.
Tools can refer to people who are... well, pretty lame for a lack of a better word, so Elder Colley and I have to stifle laughs whenever we hear somebody say "You need to be a 'tool' in the Lord's hands" Yeah we're lame I know.
My whole entire mission, I have only had 3 investigators attend church. Two of them were yesterday. Andie, is living with some members and she came to church. It was fast and testimony meeting and she was really confused by what people were saying especially about Thomas S. Monson. SO that night we actually had dinner scheduled with the family that she's living with and we had an appointment cancel so I asked her if she would like to hear about the Restoration and she said yeah. So we taught her the Restoration and set up a return appointment. Finally a new investigator! Then Steve came as well. I was quick on my feet and texted the branch mission leader to go sit by him and I also texted Bro. Knowles to go sit by him as well because he went with us to an appointment with him the night before. They both went and sat by him. Then he came to a little of Sunday school and then went to the Presbyterian church so he'll notice the difference of the Spirit and want to be baptized. We'll just have to get him to throw away that Playboy magazine. Oh Steve... What a guy, what a guy.
While I was waiting for my companion to get to Joplin, our whole zone went and helped with a local New Years day 5k. New Years day also happened to be the coldest day of the year so far. Why people would be running a 5k in sub-freezing temperatures is beyond me but luckily I was prepared and wore my thermals (which are a little small for me, one size does not fit all). But I didn't wear my gloves. Also everybody else wore service clothes but because the zone leaders didn't specifically tell us that we would be wearing service clothes, I looked pretty stupid wearing a suit with a baby blue 5k t-shirt. My fingers all fell off. But luckily there was a doctor there who put them back on. Ok my fingers didn't fall off but there was a doctor there. We handed out water. Then the whole zone went to a Mongolian all you can eat place where you make your own dish and they cook it for you. The cookers do (try to) tricks by throwing spatulas and eggs up in the air and all sorts of fun things. The only problem is I don't know how to make good Mongolian dishes so I ended up with a sub-par meal for ten stinking bucks. They had free mints though.
Actually I just remembered Bro. Ince (our branch mission leader) gave us a bunch of cup of noodles so that should hold us over for a while. I gave him the nickname 'The Incinerator' I haven't told him yet though. I'm still working up the courage to tell him because if he doesn't like it then he'll... well, he'll incinerate me to put it bluntly. He's a stud though.
My Aunt sent me a cool little thing that's got a bunch of little do-dads for in case of an emergency. It's got things like tissues, instant stain remover, scissors, hand sanitizer etc. It's got a little clip so I hang it off my bag. Everybody asks what it is so we've started telling people that I have diabetes and that it's carrying all of my insulin.
Well it's getting really cold now so I need to stop leaving my coat in the apartment. We're too lazy to lock our apartment so hopefully nobody goes in there and steals our... Book of Mormons, Books of Mormon? Copies of the Book of Mormon? The Church needs to come out with an official stance on that. Other than that we're doing good, well besides starving to death.
As you can tell we have nothing to do today because Kansas is so boring. There's only like 10 things to do in Parsons. 1. Admire the flatness of Kansas. 2. Play Bingo at one of the many senior centers here. 3. Freeze in sub-zero temperatures 4. Get disability 5. Hide from the constant wind. 6. Eat pancakes and compare the flatness thereof to Kansas. 7. Drink flat root beer. 8. Get Naked and take pictures 9. Come up with a list of things to do in Kansas 10. Eat a Cup of Noodles. As you can tell I stretched a couple of things. There's really only 2 things to do in Kansas. Freeze while getting Naked.
I love you all!
Elder Naegle
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